
PPI News

We have three secondary shopping centres in tis constituency:  Plymstock Broadway, Plympton Ridgeway and Ivybridge town centre (including Glanville’s Mill). At various times during my 26 years their fortunes have ebbed and flowed.

Armed Forces Day 2018

Armed Forces Day 2018 comes not only as we celebrate 100 years of the RAF but also as we continue to celebrate the courage and professionalism of our Armed Forces.

National Prayer Breakfast

Once a year, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Christians in Parliament, hosts  the National Prayer Breakfast in Westminster Hall. 

PPI News

Many of you will know that over the years I have raised safety concerns about the A 38, especially the section from Ivybridge to Marsh Mills which runs through my constituency. I have been energised each time by the sheer number of accidents and the time the road is blocked. In truth, the stretch

Sherford Open House Invitation

Curious about life at Sherford? Have any questions about the development or work taking place? Keen to know more about the future of this growing community? 

PPI News

There has been a lot of comment this week about thatphotograph –taken at the recent G7 meeting of world leaders, showing President Trump under pressure from the other 6, but looking like the stubborn teenager refusing to do his homework.