
On the right green track

I am glad that governments can do more than one thing at a time. It would be deeply depressing if all we were acting upon was Covid 19 and Brexit.  In fact, a number of positive issues are being taken forward underneath the noise and drama of those two dominating issues.

Covid-19 Responsibility

I had a slight problem with my heart in August (not really serious) so I have taken the decision, based on medical advice, not to return to Westminster while the spike in Covid 19 lashes our country once again.

Prime Minister's Statement to Parliament

Mr Speaker, with your permission, I will make a statement on our response to the rising number of Coronavirus cases and how we must act now to avoid still graver consequences later on.

EU Internal Market Bill

Given the votes in Parliament this week, I am posting my article a couple of days earlier than usual...

Migrants and the English Channel

I am getting a lot of emails about the number of migrants crossing the channel in small boats to enter the United Kingdom.

The New Normal

As many of you know, I have for some years written a weekly column for the Plympton Plymstock and Ivybridge News, the local free sheet distributed to 80% of homes in South West Devon Constituency.

The Prime Minister's Update on Covid-19

Mr Speaker, before I begin, I am sure the whole House will join me in sending our deepest condolences to the families and friends of James Furlong, Joe Ritchie-Bennett and David Wails, who were brutally killed in Reading on Saturday.